
Thursday 12 April 2012

Doris Pounces On Stella Damasus On Marriage Crack** “It`s Fight To Finish For Me and You”--Doris Tells Stella

According to what National Enquirer Magazine reported, the last may not have been heard over the crack in the once upon a time chumming relationship between the award winning movie director, Daniel Ademinokan and his beautiful wife of many years, Doris Simon, you would recalled that, when your darling magazine, Enquirer broke the story of their marriage brouhaha weeks back, so many of our contemporaries follow suit, this time, it is the sad story of the couple`s divorce plans.
Inside sources informed this office that, things seemed to have gone so bad that, any moment from now, the couple might seek legal redress for a formal separation as all efforts to reconcile them have proved abortive.

According to family sources, Daniel is in custody of the only fruit of the liaison, David, a four years old boy who has relocated with his dad to Abuja where he (Daniel) is said to have bought a massive duplex. 

We gathered that, on her part, Doris has vowed to fight dirty as has resulted to involve Stella Damasus whom she`s alleging to be harbouring her husband in Abuja. 
But investigations however revealed that, Daniel and Stella are business partners and both of them are project confidants struggling on a scheme that bothers on corporate social responsibility or best put service to humanity but Doris has been telling whosever cares to listen that, Stella is seeing her husband and will be ready to deal with her should she dare to go the whole hug.

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