
Thursday 26 July 2012

Controversial Nollywood Actress Offers N1m For "Poko" Decipherment

Controversial actress, Tonto Dikeh has shown the other side of herself again by offering to give out one million Naira to anyone that tells her the meaning of her nickname, Poko.

Tonto is known to answer the nickname. Her Hummer H2 number plate is also customised with "Poko".

The Ikwerre, River State-born actress announced yesterday her intention to give out the money. She tweeted, "Anyone who decodes what Poko is, I'll give a million bucks (Naira). If you do get it correctly, you'll have to prove it's source. Because my Poko means a lot to me. #POKO."

While some doubted her earlier tweet, Tonto later tweeted to confirm her intention to give out the one million Naira. She affirmed with this tweet, "I f*cking say what I mean. I said I'll fly in a fan, I did. I said 1million (Naira) on Poko. And I'm serious. #POKO#."

Let the guess go on. Who wins?

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