
Monday 20 August 2012

Missing Cynthia Osokogu's corpse found in a mortuary in Lagos

Some news just shocks you to the bone giving you goose bums and shit. Just got a message from Cynthia's friend who lives in Abuja, the lady who went missing last month (If you missed it, see it HERE) that her corpse was found in a mortuary in Lagos over the weekend. The body has been in the mortuary since late July.

Details are sketchy but from what I gathered, Cynthia, a post graduate student of Nasarawa State University was robbed and killed in the hotel she lodged in Lagos by the same people who supposedly picked her up from the airport. This doesn't make any sense but this is the report am getting. There's definitely more to the story. Even the family members don't have all the details.

Cynthia Udoka Osokogu, the 24 year old daughter of Major General Frank Osokogu RTD, came to Lagos in July to shop for her boutique in Nasarawa but didn't really tell anyone where exactly she was going to or who she was meeting.
*smh* All this "desprados" lurking around their cups have been long full O!! this one is so painful.
Some people have been arrested in connection with her death. More details coming later...

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