
Friday 16 November 2012

Anti-Gaga protests flare up in Cape Town

A group of protesters have gathered outside Big Concerts' office building in Gardens, Cape Town to take a stand against Lady Gaga performing in South Africa.

This gathering follows a protest that was held by the South African Council of Churches in Pretoria last week.
Pic of protesters below
 The receptionist at Big Concerts' offices in Cape Town, who wished to remain unnamed, told reporters that protesters arrived at approximately 10:30 on Friday morning.

"There are about 30 protesters. They did notify us that they will be coming," she said.

According to her, this was the first time they had encountered protesters at their offices, and Big Concerts COO John Langford's personal assistant had gone down to meet with the protesters.

Exponential growth of Satanism

The protesters used placards to show their anger towards Lady Gaga touring South Africa at the end of November and December, adding to the strong stance the South African Council of Churches have taken on Lady Gaga's pending tour.

A peaceful march was held on Friday 9 November to the department of Arts and Culture in Pretoria, where the South African Council of Churches handed over a written request to have Lady Gaga banned from South Africa.

Heat magazine reported on Twitter that the request was signed by the chief director of Arts and Culture, Duduzile Nchoba.

Reverend Mxolisi Sonti, secretary of the youth forum, told the daily newspaper Beeld they are afraid of the extent of Satanism in South Africa at this time, and that Gaga's visit could lead to an exponential growth in Satanism.
Source - Channel24

What's your take on this issue? do people have the right to judge who is evil and who is not? -->

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