
Friday 23 November 2012

Do ladies really have to wear fake butt & Hip pads??LMAO

Lmao !! Forgive my Ignorance.. I didn't know some ladies actually "gear" up fully before hitting the road, until I came across photos of some celebrities/personalities (Ghana & Nigeria) who strap up seriously to win the eyes of men .. Guys not all hips or butt you see is real or made (plastic surgery).. the worst that can happen to a guy on a #OneNightStand is finding out the chick has pads everywhere LMAO!! if you don't have the money or liver for a boob, butt or hip enlargement by a plastic surgeon, please stay the way you are..OMG!!
Please we need shades/lenses that can detect  fake hips ans ass O!!! -->


  1. Choi Danny are you for real?? had no idea

  2. No wonder you meet a lady today, tomorrow her packages suddenly come I didn't notice that yesterday. lol

  3. I hate it.. I tell some of my friends its better to be natural and proud of your body..but on the other hand, it's men's "doggy dog" nature that push women to do crazy stuffs..African men too like package. It has to be round firm and all. what happened to the beauty of a womans inner

  4. That's your problem madam Anonymous, if I ever encounter any chick with fake whatever it is, thats the end..becuase it only tells me she's to concious of what people think of her. Ladies are meant to have confident in themselves not going about whose butt or boobs or hips have more curves. If God made u straight , deal with it, there must be a guy outthere that will appreciate it.

  5. Omo mehhhnnnn, we are truly in the last days..... Lolz

  6. honestly only transgenders need that.
    and they are fucktons of them around the world.
    not only in uk, us ,israel politics also in shithole eussr and everything between lmfao. such tryhards

    pedo hollywood yeah like someone need talmudic masonic bs tv
