
Tuesday 15 January 2013

True Confession: One million questions Charlyboy must answer for the death of Judith.

What You are about to read is very controversial and was sent to me by a friend of the victim..

Divulging this information will strain my very beautiful relationship with my friend Grace who had warned me earlier not to disclose it to anyone when she carefully gave me the details of what befell one of her friends, Judith. We have been keeping this secret for over 3 years, contemplating whether we should let the cat out of the bag. Grace has been bent at dying with this top secret, but on the contrary, I couldn’t have lived a fulfilled life without some questions. I have decided to take a bold step to let the cat out of the bag.

Grace is a friend to Judith, the late lover of the popular Nigerian entertainer, Charlyboy. I have always known Charlyboy as one of the many ‘anti-Christs’ of the 21st century. I was in no way shocked when the story hit me, since I have had little or no reservation about the ‘Atheist’ Areafada. Anything linked to the devil can possibly qualify a man who sees himself as demi-god because of his wealth which obviously was a creation of the devil. I blame Judith for falling in love with the devil because of wealth and enjoyment, which will end somewhere here. There is no life of wealth hereafter, for what will it profit a man to gain the whole world and then loses his soul? Nothing!
Having decided on this public expose of the Man with the Chameleon skin (Charlyboy), I have concluded that even if it will take the last blood in me, I will follow up this case, because this evil must stop. The bible says, “There is no peace for the wicked”
I’m motivated to do this because even the spirit of the late Judith keeps troubling my friend, Grace. She has taken her case before God, and only needs our support to get the justice she deserves. But my friend wouldn’t talk, she is simply scared, and not ready to put her life on the line. She believes Charlyboy has the spiritual power to identify the brain behind such news. She has disowned me and my claims already, but I’m not budged.
Now my story  
About ten years ago, the late Judith was in an affair with Charlyboy. Judith was said to be very beautiful and different men who came across her saw her irresistible. She was from an averagely rich home and lived a reasonably comfortable life until she met Charlyboy, an affluent man who had made for himself a dynasty. Just as he couldn’t resist her unfathomable beauty, she couldn’t resist his wealth and his fine nature. I do not know about their first encounter since I wasn’t told by my friend. Note; my story was not concocted as I narrate from a third person angle. These were the details I was given by Grace. She was in the know of everything. There is simply more to this than I can tell.
Like I was saying, life automatically changed for Judith after her encounter with the celebrity. She couldn’t just imagine her new celebrity status, even though she was only having the fun of her life. Her love affair with Charlyboy soared with time. Who wouldn’t give in when everything, I mean everything was at her reach? Cars, houses, and tours; just name them. In fact, she became a ‘fashionistar'. I was told they even travelled to her maternal home in Jamaica. Lest I forget, Judith’s father is a Northerner from Nigeria while her mother is a Jamaican. I don’t know if this has a link with the rumour some time in 2009 or 2010 that Charlyboy was wedding a Jamaican lady and dumping LadyD.
That aside, the celebrity showered her with unimaginable gifts; it is simply indescribable. Exotic cars were not Judith’s ‘wahala’ as she had them in chains. He bought her landed property, well-furnished houses within Abuja. She even made first class trips abroad with him for his medical checkup in Sweden where his cousin Dr. Alban resides. They went for events, functions and parties together, the kind she had never dreamt about. Life seemed rosy for Judith, her blessed memory, and everything sailed smoothly. These were the exact words of my friend, Grace. One very troubling and pathetic thing, yet annoying, is the fact that Grace keeps grumbling in tears without questioning Charlyboy through any medium. She cries every day. Poor Grace…

Grace said she had kicked against the relationship before Charlyboy began to entice her with all his evil affluence. She continued to live with the guilt of her friend’s death because she had shared in the benefits of her friend’s fatal relationship.
He had promised her marriage. He told her he was going to take her in as a second wife or possibly let LadyD off the hook. I’m not sure, but I think my friend said something like; Charlyboy went for a former introduction in the North. She had told her friend and everyone that shared her world. All she knew was soon she would legally be a part of the devil’s family. Then suddenly, his calls stopped coming in. This is a man that Grace said never failed to call Judith. She tried to reach him on several occasion but to no avail. Then one fateful day, she was visited by some gunmen, she was warned sternly to stay away from Charlyboy or pay with her life. That moment, everything changed and she tried to understand the latest distance between her and the celebrity.
The other version of the story my friend gave me is closely related to the one time divorce rumour between Charlyboy and Lady D. My friend told me that the divorce move by Lady D back then resulted from Charly’s attempt to pick up a second wife. I wonder why lady D should even object to Charlyboy taking another wife, besides; she is not even the first wife.
Grace disclosed to me that Judith was embarrassed that her once sweat union with Charlyboy was obviously put off, she wouldn’t come out in public as everything she owned through Charlyboy was confiscated.  I was told Judith had loved Charlyboy so much, the major reason she agreed to marry him in the first place, against all odds. She continued to receive strange phone calls every now and then to stay away from Lady D’s husband.
Her death was a shock. Grace had never suspected if she had ever for once contemplated suicide. It was medicine after death when grace rushed Judith to the hospital after she met her lying unconscious in her room. The Doctor had confirmed after a rush to the hospital that she was already dead. Behold she took some poisons. May her soul rest in peace…Amen.
 It is stupid to know that the so-called Charlyboy can’t even make decision for himself. How could he allow his wife to have a say in what he decided to do with his life, besides, he is an African man. Who cares if Lady D had decided to part ways with him, after all, she is an American?
Now, I wonder if she actually took her own life, or she was forced to take it so it would appear like suicide. This was a girl who was continually threatened until the day of her supposed suicide. Till date, my friend keeps dreaming about Judith’s restless spirit. I call on the I.G of police, and all well-meaning Nigerians including pastors and evangelists to help take this case to court or to the alter of Almighty God, if not Charlyboy will use his wealth to kill all of us. Remember, your daughter could have been the victim.
Judith, may your spirit know no peace until you track down Charles Oputa, AKA, Areafada. Fight for your own justice since we are all handicap to ask questions on your behalf.
One million questions await Charlyboy, both here and in hell on why a young woman just disappeared like the dew. If he never had ulterior motive of killing Judith, then why did he take delight in the seizure of all Judith acquired through him? Another question is, how does Charlyboy make his money?  Why does he use his money as baits to send young girls to their graves? He doesn’t kill them with any physical weapon, but with the weapon of love and wealth. The Anti-Christ is here -->

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