
Friday 26 July 2013

Nollywood Actor IK Ogbonna reacts , Calls out to First lady regarding Under Age Marriage #ChildNOTbride

It's sad that in a country where pressing issues that threaten national growth persist quite obvious that even blind men can see it. Our leaders choose to press on non-issues with what ever intentions we know are purely selfish. I won't press much on this but if they feel it's right why can't they start with thr own children. 1st and foremost a child at 13 can't decide what she wants as such obvious examples live within us.. things we thought we wanted at 13 are things we grew too realise we don't want any more. This act of stupidity would increase divorce, rape, adultry, and hate thus children would be forced into marriage against their will thus infringing their basic human right of choice. Our 1st lady should speak on this and our so called leaders should tackle pressing issues and move this country forward. Nigeria pays our leader more than any other country in the world but we get little in return. Our currency is useless outside nigeria, we don't have good electrical supply, schools are on strike, some students at the primary level who should have free education are seen on the streets halking and begging. Let's spend time in building the leaders of tommorw not destroying them and killing the beauty of life in them. Self hate alone can lead to a lot of things let's fight against this. I am IK ogbonna and I stand against such act of murder to our future.

He broke it down to the very least of understanding the situation at hand and the magnitude of it .. lets not forget we have natural laws as well , Cause and effects , action and reaction etc.... 


  1. A word is enough for the wise

  2. What can the 1st lady do sef? use her english to send Yerima and his circle packing..

  3. Hnmmmmmm *matters arising*

  4. My heart bleeds each time this issue comes up. I tot human fundamental rights still exist in this country. Politricks" has taken over even the common sense in us and money has erased every trace of moral we learned both from experiencies and holy books. Pls the other senators that sat in these gathering and never uttered a word in challenge my their 13year old kids be taken from them. Amen. They should fight for the future of these kids and relatives rather than mope like morons and release the list of those involved instead of fight back.may God almighty deliver nigeria
