
Saturday 24 August 2013


Every September, CHILDREN LIVING WITH CANCER FOUNDATION (CLWCF), an affiliate of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) and the International Childhood Cancer Confederation of Parents Organizations (ICCCPO) is calling on governments and ministries of health worldwide to intensify their efforts in fighting childhood cancer by strengthening child cancer care systems in their respective countries.  The two organizations represent over 1500 pediatric oncologists and  158 parent support organizations, of which Children Living With Cancer Foundation (CLWCF) is one, representing nearly 85% of the world’s population.

For this year, the foundation will be embarking on a month long awareness campaign beginning from the first week in September. For the first week, we are conducting “Open Air” Campaigns across local governments, Markets, Shopping centers etc. The second week will be dedicated to visits to various institutions from academic, financial, health to underpin the need for a holistic approach in the care for children living with cancer. The third and fourth week will embrace the Charity walk and the Gala Night respectively to identify and encourage corporate organizations and private individuals who have partnered with CLWCF in its 8 years of existence.

One of the most fundamental approaches to closing the survival gap for children with cancer in resource-poor and resource rich countries is the early detection of cancer.  Childhood cancers are often left undetected until it is too late. Children with cancer can be spared from some of the effects of the most intensive treatments if their disease is diagnosed early and followed by proper treatment. 

CHILDREN LIVING WITH CANCER FOUNDATION is therefore calling for coordinated action in the provision of appropriate treatment, care and support for children with cancer especially those who live in resource-poor countries. Governments and partners at national level are encouraged to join forces to ensure that childhood cancer is diagnosed early and that measures to ensure this are in place.   Sadly, cancer in children is often not seen as a healthcare priority, in comparison with HIV/AIDS, malaria or other childhood illnesses such as polio.

Education and training are key elements in the fight against childhood cancer.  The exchange of knowledge and information about childhood cancer needs to take place. We are calling on government and well meaning individuals to partner with CHILDREN LIVING WITH CANCER FOUNDATION, as some are doing already, to run awareness campaigns to inform, not only the public, but health care professionals as well, on childhood cancer and its early warning signs, treatment strategies and regimens common in developed country settings should be adapted and implemented in resource-poor countries as there have been conclusive results showing higher rates of survival when this happens. According to the founder of CLWCF, Dr Nneka Nwobbi, “We do not need to re-invent the wheel. Action must be taken now”.
see some photos below..

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