
Monday 7 October 2013

NCAA suspends operations of Associated Airlines following crash + that of DANA Air as well

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority has suspended the operations of Associated Airlines, following the ill-fated crash that occurred on Thursday October 3rd, which killed 13 passengers.
NCAA announced the suspension yesterday Saturday October 5th via it's Director-General, Capt. Fola Akinkuotu. He said;
“Associated Airlines operations have been suspended by the NCAA. Let me say for the purpose of clarity, I said their operations, I mean all their operations of Associated Airline have been suspended by the NCAA. I did not say any certification was cancelled but all operations.”
Capt Akinkuotu explained that the suspension of the airline is to pave the way for ongoing probe into the cause of the crash.
In similar news the NCAA has again suspended the operations of Dana Air for the 3rd time. The suspension was announced on Sunday night October 6th by the Coordinating General Manager for the aviation parastatals, Mr. Yakubu Dati.
The shutdown was implemented to conduct an operational audit of the carrier and its planes.
There have been reports of safety and regulatory issues with Dana Air over safety and other related issues since the crash of Dana flight 992 that killed over 150 passengers in June 2012.

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