
Friday 18 July 2014

My P*ssy Pops and Yours Don't !! Rihanna hits back at Wendy Williams for saying she's not girlfriend material

OMG! Every individual does have their own opinions about certain issues, topics etc , Wendy Williams is no different, she goes as far as airing out her opinions on her talk show , regardless of whoever and sensitivity of the matter . During a Hot Topics segment on her show some days ago, Wendy discussed Chris Brown and Drake being in the studio together, and slammed their mutual connection, Rihanna.

Speaking about Rihanna, who has dated both Chris and Drake, Wendy Williams said;
"Rihanna is not girlfriend material. She's hot, she's sexy, you do her, then you take your penicillin."
Well, Bad Gal Unapologetic RiRi was not impressed and posted a popular Vine clearly directed at Wendy. lol. See the photo and video below below...

Rihanna posted the popular 'My p**sy popz severely' vine...lmao ..

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