
Monday 15 September 2014

WTF!! Mother and Daughter also Lesbian Lovers ??!

  OK this is borderline strange, weird and more!! Came across this post online and I have been in shock , can't possibly digest this revelation alone. I mean we have heard of all kind of relationships but this one screams out the "W" in weird! So mother and daughter , Mary and Vertasha Carter are also lesbian lovers, and are seeking for public acceptance . Mary ( the mum) Told that she and her daughter "Vertasha" knew they were attracted to each other when Vertasha was sixteen! Read her story below
 “But we decided to wait to have sex until she was eighteen, legally of age. We are now going public with our relationship to help others who might be in gay mother/daughter relationship feel confident and okay about coming out. We want the world to know we love each other as mother and daughter and romantically.”
“We’re women, so Vertasha  and I obviously can’t make children,“It’d be one thing if her daddy (he’s out of the picture) got her pregnant and a baby was born with deformities, but we’re not hurting anyone. We’re a new minority and just want acceptance.”...
Vertasha is apparently happy with the relationship as well.
“My mom is still my mom. She does normal mom stuff: buys me clothes, pays for food, tells me to make our bed. We just happen to enjoy sex with each other too.”
Please is it just me or is this not the sickest story ever? please feel free to share your thoughts on the issue .Like seriously what's wrong with the world? I think I should move to Mars . Ugh

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