
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Bizarre - Photos of the transsexual wife who was murdered & cooked by her husband

This world has always been a crazy place but I think she's getting crazier by the minute. You think you have seen or heard the worse until the next news pops up. This stunning 27 year old "transsexual woman" (meaning she was born a man. Weird I know) named Mayang Prasetyo from Indonesia was murdered by her 28 year old chef husband Marcus Peter Volke who then cooked her in their apartment in Brisbane, Australia. When police entered the home, they found some of Mayang's body spread out across their home while some of her remains were found boiling in chemicals on a stove.

After killing and cooking his wife who once advertised herself as a high-class transsexual escort, Marcus slit his own throat while on the run from the police.Un-f**king-believable!! See photo of the couple below ...

Neigbours of the couple called police after they perceived a terrible smell coming from the apartment on Saturday night October 4th. When police arrived there, Marcus fled the apartment and his body was later found in a wheelie bin close to his home.

Nobody knows why he killed his wife but according to his family, he had no history of mental illness or doesn't have a violent record. They even said Marcus and Mayang were a happy and loving couple.

See some photos they shared on their Facebook page below...

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