
Sunday 12 October 2014

Moving On - Paula Patton reportedly moves in new man into her home after filing for divorce

It's no longer news that Paula Patton has filed for divorce from husband and partner of over 20 years, singer Robin Thicke, some of us did think that she was just trying to make him feel devastated for a bit, but what is news is reports that not only does she have a new man, she's moved him into her home.

According to reports, Paula Patton is now dating musician Zak Waters (above) and he moved in with her a few weeks ago. About a week ago, he posted a pic on his instagram page of himself inside Paula's home and captioned it 'My new view'. (who says stuff like that)

Robin is said to be devastated about her how fast Paula's moved on despite doing a full album for her asking for a second chance.

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