Friday, 31 July 2015

Toke Makinwa Rocks Wedding dress For a Magazine shoot.. Doesn't feel some type of way

Toke Makinwa did a wedding themed shoot for complete fashion magazine next issue. I would have thought she will feel some type of way wearing a wedding dress after her long term friendship and short term marriage ended on a bad note. She try sha, She does look good tho

EU bans food exports from Nigeria

The European Union has banned some food exports from Nigeria. Among the food items banned includes beans, sesame seeds, melon seeds, dried fish and meat, peanut chips and palm oil.

A statement from the European Food Safety Authority says the food substances were banned because they contained 'a high level of unauthorized pesticide.'

Nigerian beans was banned because it contained between 0.03mg per kg to 4.6mg/kg of dichlorvos pesticide when the acceptable maximum residue limit is 0.01mg/kg. The ban on the food substances will expire in 2016.

Scott Disick resumes daddy duties as he takes

Scott who comes alive in the night time spent the weekend away from his kids hosting a party in a Las Vegas nightclub.
But on Monday evening Mr Disick resumed his duty, as he took his son Mason, five, and daughter Penelope out for dinner at their favourite restaurant.
The trio hit the Rosti Cafe, in Calabasas, and the 32-year-old was much the hands on dad with his older son and daughter.
Scott wore a white T-shirt, a pair of grey shorts and sneakers, Mason wore a cute little tank top emblazoned with Cali Cub in yellow letters, a pair of white shorts and barefoot to match lol .
Meanwhile, Penelope who obviously was having a great time, giggling all the way, rocked a black T-shirt, pink leggings and a pair of green and black high top trainers.
See another photo below

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Kissing now the new leading cause of head,neck cancers ..WTF

What manner of trouble is this now??!! some of us like to kiss for federal Government, now they want us to reduce or stop. Hian! Below is a report on how "The French kiss" is a health risk.

 Kissing has overtaken smoking and drinking as the leading risk factor for developing head and neck cancers.

The  French kiss can pass on human papilloma virus (HPV). Head of Maxillofacial and Head and neck Surgery at the Royal Darwin Hospital, Dr Mahiban Thomas, said the virus was responsible for 70% of head and neck cancer cases.

Dr Thomas told Daily Mail Australia if you became infected by HPV in the oropharynx, your risk of developing head and neck cancer was 250 times higher than that of someone without the virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said studies suggest Oral HPV could be passed on during oral sex or open-mouthed or ‘French’ kissing, and about 7% of people have oral HPV, but only 1% of people have the type of oral HPV that is found in oropharyngeal cancers.

Dr Thomas said recent studies suggested even engaging in ‘petting’ without sexual interaction could transfer HPV.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Birdman Tweets Photo of him and Mysterious Dude holding KY Jelly

There has been rumors that music label exec Birdman is gay but there hasn't been facts to back up these claims, but this recent photo of him and some other guy has got everyone talking. And him holding a KY Jelly, which is basically a lubricant isn't helping. Or is it his way of coming out to the public sine Obama enacted the gay rights policy

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

U.S. hits top terror leader Muhsin al-Fadhli in strike

Airstrikes in northern Syria killed the 'world's most wanted terrorist' before his band of Islamist militants were able to carry out deadly 'toothpaste tube bomb attacks' on the U.S. and Europe, American officials believe.
Muhsin al-Fadhl, 33, was identified as the leader of the Al Qaeda-affiliated Khorasan Group - a radical terror collective specializing in intercepting Western jihadists on their arrival in Syria, and training them to carry out deadly bomb attacks on targets in their home nations.
As well as an American and Arab coalition hitting targets relating to ISIS militants in Syria yesterday, the U.S. air force also independently struck Khorasan as intelligence suggested the group were nearing ‘the execution phase’ of a terror atrocity against a Western target that could have rivalled 9/11.
Details of the alleged death of al-Fadhl emerged this afternoon from a U.S. military official speaking on condition of anonymity.
Despite his relatively young age, the Kuwait-born militant was an Al Qaeda veteran; joining the terror group as a teenager and becoming so close to its leadership that he was among a select few with prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks in America, despite having only just turned 20 at the time.
News of Muhsin al-Fadhl's alleged death comes as a fresh wave of airstrikes hit ISIS-held territory close to Syria's border with Turkey overnight.

Culled from DailyMail

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Rihanna steps out Braless

This beauty sure knows how to keep all eyes on her. I get it, she wants to feel free, comfortable in her own skin/outfit and all but those babies want out, piercing through her top, staring us dead in the eye .. (silly me). She was spotted as she returned to her New York City apartment after an outing yesterday morning.Love everything about the look . Skin on fleek!!

Dare Devil Maheeda Dances bare!!

See the picture below, (+18)you can also go to her insatagram page @M9ja1 to have a great time

Checkout the boobs on Kylie Jenner . Remarkable

You can tell these babies are new, the way Kylie has been flaunting them, putting it all in our faces ..This lad can't tell us otherwise. Her boobies are "done did" ... that's more eye poping smiles for Tyga lol .. But on the other hand, at 17 her real boobs haven't even fully developed. so why buy one off the shelf ?! just asking

Kendall shows off her TONED enviable bikini body..

There are bikini bods and there are bikini bods, this reality star amd superstar model definitely tops the chart in this category. Kendall Jenner showed off her toned body in an orange string triangle bikini with a necklace and mirrored sunglasses. A body many will die for

Monday, 20 July 2015

Rapper Slick Rick puts His Fake Louis Vuitton on Display, gets a cease Order

Shit! haba Slick Rick . So this nigga had the nerve to rock this fake Ass LV in full display of the public eye.. That says a lot about his accessories ... Anyways  the real Louis Vuitton has sent a cease and desist order against him, for wearing the outfit. read their report below, coming from MEdiaTakeout .. hmmm
"We're told that Louis Vuitton had their legal team send rappe Slick Rick a Cease and Desist letter. They are not likely to sue him...but they're hoping that will stop him from openly wearing Bootleg LV on stage."

Sunday, 19 July 2015

VIDEO/PHOTOs - Omosexy Jalade Shares her adorable smile and laugh straight out of #TEEP

Super star actress Omotola Jalade and award winning actress Omotola was guest at the just concluded #TEEP Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme. and asides coming out in style, she brought along her well known weapon in her arsenal, her laugh. Dressed in a black caped jumpsuit and black pencil stilettos, with gold earrings, nice! Omotola has been in the US for a few weeks now, but flew in to be part of a historic event . #TEEP, which has brought together over 1,000 young people from across 51 African counties for which the Founder has committed $100 million to identify, support and grow 10,000 emerging African entrepreneurs over the next decade/. Her most recent campaign is to eradicate poverty in Africa, See more photos and a video below

Rihanna Heads to work in Sexy ass sleeping wear and see through Bra

 Who else goes to work in her nightie and still sexy asf , no one else but Riri baby! We all know that moment when you one is getting some vibes, motivated and gingered from an idea that came to mind, so it's 3am and Rihanna is seen arriving a recording studio in a pink sleeping gear, showing off her babies in a see through bra. The multiple award wining singer is currently working on her forth coming album R8. see more below