The FreshOut Guru is Out again Peeps..and Trust me, we just got served!!! The jam is "banging". The World premiere of the first single by rapper MAGNITO, since the release of
his debut work “freshout” in 2011. “DONT TAKE MY PIN” is a song inspired
during his recent tour in capetown. it is produced by ace beatmaker
“samklef”. But am pretty sure PINs where exchanged *LOL*Wink....After being served from Samklef's kitchen, MAGNITO decided to take a different approach to his slow paced hip-hop flow, but his delivery did not come short of what the abuja born
rapper does. its set for release on saturday 16th june 2012. Magnito still
remains an unsigned act and runs his own imprint “FRESHOUT UNIT”, which
also house his clothing line “FRESHOUT WEAR” in lagos Nigeria. This is a must hear.
Download, Listen and Share.
Mr Adamu keep up da good work! Big ups!