"Bruce has a feminine side. He likes growing his hair out, likes getting manicures and pedicures and won’t leave his house without his diamond earrings. And he’s obsessed with plucking his eyebrows! Kris has told Bruce that she will reveal his secret if he doesn’t go along with her plans about their split or their show." A source told Star
Kim asked the housekeeper if she'd seen any lingerie, and the housekeeper said it was in Bruce's closet. So Kim went inside Bruce's closet and found tons of expensive lingerie that was all stretched out! She took it all and left. . .
Kim told Bruce she had his lingerie. He turned red and walked out. When Kim finally told her sisters, it became a running joke that Bruce wears lingerie. . .
A second source also claims to be aware of Bruce's penchant for women's underthings. "He's always been feminine, so it doesn't surprise me when I found out he was a cross dresser."
LMAO I laugh in Spanish ... The Kardashian women never seize to "tongue lash"their ex's .. chai ..
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